$200.00 USD

1:1 Coaching Session with Julie Skon

1 hour of private coaching to support you in having breakthroughs around what is currently showing up for you in life.

Book a coaching session for:

  • Trauma healing {release self-limiting beliefs caused by trauma} to powerfully heal the past and embrace the present.
  • Life Transition Navigation. Allow me to support you in mindful decision making and gain clarity around life transitions to align with transformation.
  • Life Design. If you have a life goal you want to achieve, let's create a life design plan to make it happen for you!
  • Grief and Loss Support. You don't have to do it alone. I hold space for you for emotional release and stress reduction. I also help you create a plan for deep self-care.
  • Somatic Stress Reduction. If you are on overdrive book a session right away. I will guide you through a somatic session to realign your nervous system and get clarity on what your body needs and wants from you. 

Following your booking you will be directed to a calendar to schedule your session. You will also receive a questionnaire to prepare for our session. 

Coaching packages are available. Email inquiries.