$179.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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O.W.N. I.T. 2025 (Winter Season)

Are you ready to finally OWN IT?! In this special group seasonal coaching program you will set a transformational personal or professional goal to achieve this season and you will experience the tools and support to achieve it (and much more). 

What you'll get & experience:

  • O.W.N. I.T. kick-off workshop on January 6th to mindfully set your transformative seasonal goal.
  • 10 additional LIVE group coaching sessions. LIVE sessions (via zoom) are held Mondays's at NOON PST.
  • You will also experience somatic stress release, meditation, visualization tools, daily life design, and much more that are life-changing tools to utilize.
  • You will have a supportive community that will have your back and cheer you on.

Pre-registration (now- Jan 1st) is $179/month for 3 payments. save $150

Jan 1st - 6th is $229/month for 3 payments.

Registration closes for the session on January 6th, 2024. Space is limited.


Having just completed the 12-week journey of "Own It" with Julie as our guide, I feel better than I have ever felt both professionally and personally. My "Own It" goal was to get organized in my professional life and not only did I achieve the first stages of this goal, but I also learned a couple of valuable lessons about my approach and mindset to living my life. I was blessed to be in a group with five professional women at different stages of their life all willing to share, listen and support one another. Through their stories and actions and Julie's intuitive guidance I began to free myself from my stuck position in life and now I want to take another "Own It' journey leading to more discovery about myself.

Marcia C.

I have to start with a massive thanks to Julie and the group from Fall ‘24 OWN IT. Right from the beginning when we met and set our goals, to our recent celebratory reflection meeting, I felt thoroughly supported. Julie encouraged me to break down my goal, work on specifics, was always there to celebrate the highs, and mindfully redirect me when I hit some walls! The OWN IT community was a wonderful, kind, respectful, understanding, inspiring, and fun group who I feel very grateful to have worked alongside. The positive energy each week filled me with enthusiasm. Thank you Julie and your fabulous community!

Emer O.