


with Julie Skon

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As a certified multi-modality healing practitioner, life transformation coach, global meditation teacher, and trauma survivor, I believe that with authentic support and the foundation of life-changing practices we all have the ability to heal and holistically thrive - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

My coaching, workshops, courses, meditations, rituals, and retreats will help you embody the mindset and build the tools to wildly and beautifully create the life that you desire and deserve.

"My trauma healing program with Julie was a complete game changer, and I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. Not only did we address childhood trauma at face value, she encouraged me to dig deeper at the imprints of those wounds. We were able to piece together and unlock self-deprecating behaviours today, that persisted years later due to what transpired in childhood. It was truly fascinating and more importantly, empowering. Julie's compassionate approach helped me heal through severe familial losses and approach things in a new way. Never have I ever felt more comfortable in who I am and more calm in the face of trauma triggers. I'm so grateful for Julie and the gift of renewed peace I have through her work."ย ย 

"Only by a fortunate stroke of serendipity did I happen upon Julie Skon. At a time in my life when nothing seemed to be going my way, her calming voice guided me in a meditation that brought me momentary peace. However short or long ago that is now, she's been guiding me since. Her presence is peace, her way love. Rarely do we have good fortune to meet someone who's countenance alone can change a day's perspective. Julie is more than a life coach; she's a soul guide."



1:1 Coaching

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Workshops + Retreats

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Meditate with me.

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